Village clubs
Do you want to feel stronger and more mobile?
Do you often feel that things are 'seizing' up due to lack of movement?
Do you want to keep your bones in good health and have optimum muscle mass?
Do you struggle with balance in a literal sense i.e it's very challenging to stand on one leg or even in a lifestyle context i.e you feel there is never enough time for 'you' and everything is so noisy & busy?
If these questions are speaking to you there may be a way I can help.
I teach a series of exercises combined with the Pilates breathing method which can help address the issues mentioned.
The current group are all super friendly and I aim to accommodate class participants' needs to the best of my ability.
I have almost 20 years of teaching experience and am a qualified Level 3 Pilates Assessor.
Classes run in terms of 4 weeks.
Block Bookings are available at £36 and the
option to do Class Swaps where necessary.
I also have a Drop-In option of £11 per class.
Facebook - Sportina Yoga & Pilates
Mobile - 07376051863
Alderton Gardening Club aims to “encourage, educate and entertain” and is always delighted to welcome new members! The club welcomes everyone whatever their level of gardening knowledge.
We welcome a different speaker every month, organise trips to horticultural places of interest and enjoy a Christmas social event. In the first few months of the year, we also run a Seed Swap and Giveaway for all attendees.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
We have a Raffle at each meeting and free refreshments are available.
Alderton Gardening Club is an associate of the Gloucestershire Federation of Gardening Clubs.
Membership fees are a modest £10.00 per year and membership forms will be available at our meetings or by contacting Dave Ruscoe our Membership Secretary on Entry fees each meeting are £3 for members and £6 for non members.
Mobile - 07772 965124
Pre-school: Alderton Acorns
Alderton Acorns is a community not-for-profit organisation, set in the heart of Alderton, Gloucestershire and just a short distance from Oak Hill, our local primary school. The Pre-School is Ofsted registered and provides a wide variety of educational resources and activities, to prepare children for their next stage into school life.
At Acorns we recognise the importance of providing children with a range of learning opportunities, which capture and engage their individual interests in a happy, safe and nurturing environment. Whilst there is structure assigned to the daily running of the Pre-School, child-led play is very much encouraged.
Mobile - 07842 161159
Classes focus on careful alignment of the body in the yoga poses. We work to develop strength, mobility and stability.
Yoga 7pm - 8.30pm Mondays
This class is currently full.

Mobile - 07776180648
Parish meetings
Alderton Parish Council is the local decision-making executive for the Parish with powers to determine local affairs and budgets in a variety of areas.
We're a body of local representatives, elected to represent and administer Alderton Parish Council every four years. The council meets on the third Tuesday every 2 months, and all council sessions are open for the public to watch and dates and times of these sessions are published well in advance.
The council elects (and has the power to substitute) the Parish Council Chairperson. This person always represents the whole council and acts as the spokesperson for the Parish Council on all public occasions and chairs the council itself.
Coffee morning
The Village Hall Social Committee host a regular coffee morning, usually on the first Saturday of the month, but check our Social Media feeds or website for updates.